
Part 1: Hooray for Hollywood
Part 2: Singing & Studying
Part 3: New York, New York
Part 4: "By Paul Rosenthal
Part 5: Clan Rosenthal
Part 6: En Garde

Everybody needs a good midlife crisis. At least, they do when they reach midlife. I rejected the usual ones. Snazzy sports cars are just too difficult to maintain in Manhattan. Mistresses are expensive. And I'm not really the type to join an Ashram or seek spiritual awakening. So I took up fencing.

As it happens, fencing suits me. In my theatrical days, the Times reviews were forever describing me as "nimble." It turns out that nimble is a useful trait on the piste.

First place in sabre, Lincoln, Nebraska, October 2009

Sabre, Manhattan 2009

I took up fencing in 2003, too shy at first to fence with anyone outside the beginners' class. But within a couple of years I was traveling to competitions from Ohio to Virginia and had expanded from foil to epee and sabre as well. In January 2010, I achieved my goal of being rated in all three weapons (C10 epee, D09 sabre, E09 foil)—gaining my epee rating despite having broken my thumb in the earlier sabre event. Ah, the awesome power of adrenaline.

Attacking in foil
(I'm on the left),
North America Cup
in Richmond 2007

Cheerily displaying my bronze medal in foil from the 2008 Empire State Games.

2012 Middlebury Open
Silver Medal in Open Saber, Bronze Medal in Vet Epee.

Gold medal in saber (left) and foil (right)
2010 Empire State Games, Buffalo, New York

North America Cup, Richmond Virginia, December 2007