
Part 1: Hooray for Hollywood
Part 2: Singing & Studying
Part 3: New York, New York
Part 4: "By Paul Rosenthal"
Part 5: Clan Rosenthal
Part 6: En Garde!

Knock it off with the education and business stuff, you're probably thinking. This part of the web site is labeled "Personal." So where’s the personal stuff? Where's the dirt? What about the lurid tattoos, those years as a go-go dancer, or that unfortunate incident with the chicken?

Wedding in Central Park...Rosenthals to the left, Fogelins to the right

Well, for now, the only truly personal stuff I'm prepared to divulge is that I have been married more than 25 years. So has my wife.

We look forward to several decades more, during which I hope Claudia will finally master the art of keeping the spice rack in alphabetical order (why can't a grown woman remember that "red pepper" goes under "C" for cayenne?).

A little gene-juggling between the two of us brought Malcolm in 1986 and Maggie in 1991.
They're both charming, witty, and delightful children whose winning ways are entirely reflections of their parents’ foresight, gentility, and good looks.

Our 5th anniversary,1987
(Malcolm was two weeks shy of one year.)

baby Malcolm...1oz. heavier than a Perdue chicken

Sailor Maggie, Tallahassee, December 2001

Maggie & Malcolm in France, 1996