
Part 1: Hooray for Hollywood
Part 2: Singing & Studying
Part 3: New York, New York
Part 4: "By Paul Rosenthal"
Part 5: Clan Rosenthal
Part 6: En Garde!

What does one do with college degrees in English and History? Well, writing about history is a good start. That training gave me a nudge toward the museum biz. The great shove in that direction, of course, came from my father. At least, indirectly. He never took me ‘round the shoulder, gestured to his museum design business, and said, "Someday, my son, all this will be yours." (He did tell me often to, "put a lamp in the window for my wandering boy," which didn't make too much sense, since I was his boy and, if I were close enough to reach his window, I clearly hadn't wandered much.)

Having a father who was a leading museum designer introduced me to a profession that most folks never hear about. I found that museums and curators liked working with someone who understood the field of history, but also knew how museums were built — and that museum designers liked working with someone who spoke their language, but also could converse with the curators. There also, of course, was the great lure of a specialty that was not over-crowded.

When I kissed CBS goodbye in 1983 and went into business for myself, most of my work was not in creating museums, however. I did advertising and marketing pieces. Much of it for CBS.

Home office...and home father, 1987

But over the years, my business has become almost exclusively museum work, plus the occasional children’s book.